
Design Competition : Puerto Rico Design eXchange 2010

Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Open Design Competition
Deadline: February 11, 2011
Designers from around the world including architects, fashion designers, graphic designers, industrial designers, interior designers and photographers, who are at least 18 years of age. Professional or students.
For the first time in Puerto Rico, Designers, have the opportunity to exchange their ideas in one place, the Puerto Rico Design eXchange 2010.  This is an open design competition for emergent professionals and students in six different categories. The PRDX2010 includes the following categories; Architecture, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Interior Design and Photography.
The competition extends an invitation to Designers, Architects, Engineers, Fashion Designers, Graphic Designers, Industrial Designers, Interior Designers, Photographers and students of all these categories.  We encourage Designers around the world to express them by submitting their work and ideas to PRDX2010.  Awards are given for excellence across a very broad spectrum in each design category.  Entries will be judged by a distinguished jury.

PRDX2010 Time-Line Event Schedule*
December 01, 2010 – Registration Open
March 19, 2011 – Questions Deadline
March 20, 2011 – Publication of the answers
March 25, 2011 – Submission Deadline
March 26-April 02, 2011 – Jury Meeting-decision
April 09, 2011 – Awards Ceremony & Media
* Schedule subject to change.
Source: Puerto Rico Design eXchange 2010

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